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            1) After the purchase of greenhouse film should be timely buckle the shed, storage should pay attention to prevent exposure to sunlight, anti-rat bite, moisture-proof, storage period should not exceed twelve months;

            2) The multi-layer co-extruded film has front and back, the inner and outer layers have different drip fog, heat preservation and aging resistance functions, please pay attention to the buckle of the shed according to the above tips, do not buckle the greenhouse film back, to observe the positive characters outside the greenhouse;

            3) As far as possible to avoid high temperature stifling shed, drip fogging and other functional additives at high temperature precipitation is relatively fast (especially EVA film), high temperature stifling shed prone to spray (film white) phenomenon, affecting the film's light transmission and drip fogging effect;

            4) The effect of dripping and defogging will vary depending on the method used. Such as the amount of water inside the greenhouse, whether to use mulch, and different management methods will affect the flow and fog removal performance of the shed film. Therefore, please pay attention to maintain the appropriate humidity in the shed;

            5) In order to achieve a good flow drop use effect, please pay attention to the leveling of the buckle shed, do not over-stretch, prevent artificial wrinkles and scratches, pay attention to the slope of the greenhouse, generally not less than 25 degrees, so as not to affect the flow drop effect;

            6) Sulfur fumigation will cause great damage to the film and shorten its service life, so it is recommended that you do not fumigate the greenhouse;

            7) The use of pesticides will reduce the drip effect and service life of the greenhouse film, please pay attention to minimize the use of pesticides;

            8) The change of weather has a great impact on the growth of crops, so when the climate conditions deteriorate, other corresponding protective measures should be taken as far as possible.


            Jiangsu Zhixin Plastic Technology Co., LTD

            Contact fax:+86 0516-89933909

            Contact number:+86 0516-89932128

            Address: Datun Industrial Park, Pei County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu

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            As always, adhere to the original intention of "national quality products", always be oriented to customer needs, and contribute to the "fast Feng" force to promote the development of China's facility agriculture

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