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            What should I pay attention to when installing and applying black and white film

            Release time:2023-06-19 16:05:23      Number of clicks:123

            Black and white film is an indispensable special tool to ensure the growth and development of crops, so that the high yield of crops, it and water, the sun are all particularly important hazards to crops, but the purchase of a black and white film people undoubtedly want to long-term application down, then in life and life how to do so that the black and white film is maintained, and again for people to "work" down?

            1. The iron and wire in the greenhouse structure should be zinc, and pre-fabricated components with stains and corrosion should not be used. Should prevent the application of basic wire and sharp items to prevent tearing black and white film.

            2. The black and white film must be stored in a shady, dry and volatile area before installation and application, and cannot be exposed to wind and sun. If installed in winter, the po film must be placed outdoors for 2-3 days before installation.

            3. In the place where the cap is thin and shy, the soil suitable for the dish should be twisted to avoid the harm to the plastic when spraying the disinfectant.

            4. When installing, the black and white film must be taut and smooth, and the black and white film can not be inverted, otherwise it will harm the actual effect of the application.

            5. When applying insecticides to crops, it is necessary to avoid spraying on black and white film to prevent deworming accumulated in the contact between thin shy and prefabricated components. After the application of pesticides, natural ventilation should be carried out on the greenhouse as far as possible.

            6. Black and white film should not be installed when Qi Ju is too high, because it is thin and backward when hot; When it is cold, the plastic film closes up, causing it to crack. Once the crack occurs, it should be repaired with special repair tape.

            7. Greenhouse greenhouse and limit the application of pesticides, herbicides, microbial solutions, control the concentration value of sulfur compounds.

            8. Before opening the plastic film roll, check the road condition of the working place to prevent the block from puncturing and scratching the black and white film.

            9. Do not tenderize vegetables and fruits outside and inside the greenhouses, so as to prevent shan burning material damage.

            10. Do not walk on the black and white film, and should not put assembly line special tools or other objects on the film.

            11. It is very important to pay attention to prevent the plastic film from coming into direct contact with the prefabricated components. If this cannot be prevented, a milky acrylate-vinyl should be applied to the contact area. No need to wipe the mixed solvent.

            12 crops, irrigation, heating pipe roads and other machinery and equipment are in direct contact with the black and white film.

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            Next:[po film] Do you know how the temperature in the greenhouse film is adjusted?

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