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            Product Function - Agricultural film function guide

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            Product Function - Agricultural film function guide

            Product function

            If you are interested in our services or products, you can contact us directly and look forward to working with you

            Thermal insulation function

            The film with insulation function adds special insulation additives, which can reflect infrared rays back to the greenhouse to reduce heat loss in the greenhouse at night.

            Advantages of high insulation film:

            Keep leaf temperatures high and crops dry;

            Reduce the cost of heating energy consumption;

            Protect crops from frost;

            Increase yields and bring crops to market earlier.


            Previous:Uv radiation resistance (aging resistance)
            Next:Dustproof function

            Return list

            Jiangsu Zhixin Plastic Technology Co., LTD

            Contact fax:+86 0516-89933909

            Contact number:+86 0516-89932128

            Address: Datun Industrial Park, Pei County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu

            Build Zhixin brand

            Transcend oneself to pursue superiority

            As always, adhere to the original intention of "national quality products", always be oriented to customer needs, and contribute to the "fast Feng" force to promote the development of China's facility agriculture

            Contact consultation
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